
Search results

  1. Storing, Using, and Marketing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio

    cultivating gooseberries and currants as a new fruit crop is growing due to their high vitamin and antioxidant ... gooseberries have no restrictions in Ohio. Given the low potential threat level of WPBR in Ohio, a future ban ... leading countries for the production of currants. In 2022, the total production of currants was 509.50 ...

  2. Tackle the Big, Hard Stuff, Not the Easy Little Stuff—Your Farm or Agribusiness Will Be Better For It!

    taking calculated risks, or addressing uncertainties. Stepping outside of one's comfort zone builds ... lives face a rival who is beating them in the marketplace and putting their future at risk, and ... leadership potential. Despite immense physical and mental challenges, cadets who exhibited higher levels of ...

  3. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Amur Corktree (Phellodendron amurense)

    and Japan. It commonly grows in the moist soils along the Amur River located between eastern Russia ... While Amur corktree prefers moist soils, it is highly adaptable to various soil conditions and can grow ... seeds within the soil. However, the hard seed is consistent with other species that can remain viable in ...

  4. Dairy Dollars: Feed Prices, Nutrient Costs, and Milk Income

    costs of feedstuffs on a local level. Since November, the overall price of feedstuffs has increased in ... (176- 235) Bakery byproduct meal, $/ton 150 (124- 176) Beet sugar pulp, dried, $/ton 191 (175- 208) ... in Table 2 is estimated using the Cow-Jones Index. The prediction formula uses a 1500 lb cow, ...

  5. Box Tree Moth: Range and Spread

    a non-native pest of boxwood (Buxus spp.) in Europe and North America and poses a risk to the health of ... wooded areas between urban sites in which boxwoods were frequently planted as ornamentals in Europe. The ... wild boxwoods served as BTM “pathways” between urban centers, facilitating the insect’s rapid spread ...

  6. Phosphorus Nutrient Management for Yield and Reduced P Loss at Edge of Field

    site and rate criteria from Assessing Nutrient Loss Risk in Ohio (NRCS) between 50 to 200 PPM. Time ... step 7. STP value of 50 PPM Mehlich III or less: CROP YIELD —Reduce risk of crop yield losses with ... available. The maintenance STP range is "critical level" to 40 PPM in corn soybean rotation and 50 ...

  7. Competitive Teams

    dairy cattle at a competitive level. You'll experience major national contests such as World Dairy ... Coach: Royce Thornton Ohio State ATI Livestock Judging Team Join an exciting new program with high ... competitions. Sophomores and freshman with all levels of judging experience are encouraged to join. Follow the ...

  8. Senior Spotlight: Q & A with Brock Barbey

    highly knowledgeable individuals that deeply want to share their knowledge with the students. Are there ...

  9. Hidden Defenses: How Cows Fight Disease

    annual losses. As a producer, you do everything in your power to mitigate disease risks in your ... a set of highly organized and calculated survival mechanisms that have been evolutionarily favored for ... overall metabolism by 30-50%, creating more stress on the cow if this response is prolonged. Depression ...

  10. Property Owners and Unidentified Drones

    imprisonment, depending upon the risk of harm resulting from the endangerment. 2. Shooting a drone can create ... safety risks and potential civil liability.  The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) and other aviation ... intentionally harms a drone not only creates this safety risk but also opens up the possibility of being liable ...
