
Search results

  1. New Applicator Training- Online Webinar- February 5, 2025

    Ornamental Weed Control (Category 6c). Attendees will choose between Industrial Vegetation (Category 5) and ... Turf (Category 8). No testing is available at the conclusion of this course. Contact the ODA to ... lawns, turf, sod, or to soil areas being prepared for the production of turf for the control of pests ...

  2. Nutrient Removal for Field Crops in Ohio

    manure equivalent at crop removal rates. Additionally, if soil test levels of P and K are below the ... critical level, then a "Buildup" recommendation would be considered to increase soil test levels ... soil test levels are at or above their respective maintenance limit, then no further P 2 O5 or ...

  3. Interpreting a Soil Test Report

    suitability to grow a chosen crop. Phosphorous and potassium soil test levels help us know if fertilizer is ... values is needed if they are not reported as ppm using a Mehlich 3 soil test. Soil test values reported ... in pounds per acre are converted to ppm by dividing pounds per acre by 2. If phosphorus soil test ...

  4. Schott gains firsthand experience during internship at CNH

    real-world situations. They ranged from field data analysis to preparing high-level presentations, giving him ... employees.” Schott’s internship experience comes amid a broader partnership between CNH and Ohio State ...

  5. Can Drinking Water Treatment Remove Microplastics?

    plastic waste are ubiquitous, or completely widespread, across the planet and pose risks to the ... highly prevalent in freshwater environments like Lake Erie. Much is unknown about how microplastics — and ... region. Such information is needed to assess whether the particles present a potential public health risk ...

  6. Soil Phosphorus and Crop Response to Phosphorus Fertilizer in Ohio

    responding to applied P can best be predicted by soil-test P levels. Recently, Culman et al. (2023) published ... 29.9% of trials, soybean in 14.2% of trials, and wheat in 36.8% trials. Critical soil test levels ranged ... Furthermore, the risk of yield loss with no P application decreased as the soil P level increased. As per the ...

  7. Growing Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa) in Ohio

    it contains high levels of antioxidants. Studies have shown Aronia fruits to have protective benefits ... high tannin levels. The fruit is more palatable when used in processed foods. Aronia has been used in ... many states in between. Iowa is currently the leading state in Aronia production in terms of acreage ...

  8. SENR Announcements, October 11

    Series>> welcomes Dr. Jeff Buler November 12: EPN Breakfast-  Inaugural Ohio Soil Health Week: Celebrating ... healthy soils for environmental and human health>> November 13: The Ohio Community Wildlife ...

  9. Developing Phosphorus and Potassium Recommendations for Field Crops

    determined using field studies to correlate soil test levels to crop yield response. Ohio data was used to ... This framework strives to build soil test levels up to and beyond a critical level, and then maintain ... these levels over time. The critical level is a key component to this framework. Soil test levels above ...

  10. Pesticide Use in Schools

    reduce the risk of exposing children and staff to pesticides. Only structural pest applications are ... Potential Certain pesticide product applications have a lower potential risk of exposure because of the ...
