
Search results

  1. Hidden Defenses: How Cows Fight Disease

    annual losses. As a producer, you do everything in your power to mitigate disease risks in your ... a set of highly organized and calculated survival mechanisms that have been evolutionarily favored for ... overall metabolism by 30-50%, creating more stress on the cow if this response is prolonged. Depression ...

  2. Soil Health Webinar Series

    Zooming into soil health via a producer, an educator, and a researcher lens (January 16, 2025- 8-9 ...

  3. Property Owners and Unidentified Drones

    imprisonment, depending upon the risk of harm resulting from the endangerment. 2. Shooting a drone can create ... safety risks and potential civil liability.  The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) and other aviation ... intentionally harms a drone not only creates this safety risk but also opens up the possibility of being liable ...

  4. Soil Health Webinar Series

    Soil health in the urban sphere (April 10, 2025- 8-9 a.m.) Speakers: Dr. Fernanda Krupek, ...

  5. Update on the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Outbreak in Germany

    immediately to your herd veterinarian for further examination and testing. The only way to tell if the ... blisters are caused by the FMD virus is through laboratory testing. How can FMD be prevented from entering ...

  6. Brozovich featured on Now at Ohio State podcast

    experiments that help test how 3D printed substrates will work in microgravity.   Listen to the Now at Ohio ...

  7. Senior Spotlight: Q & A with Zane Robison

    Recently I have also started attending the Crops and Soils Club. Have you worked on any projects, research, ...

  8. Certified Livestock Manger- Pre-sidedress Nitrate testing and P&K recommendations


  9. Soil Health Webinar Series

    Understanding basics and practicalities of biologicals (February 13, 2025- 8-9 a.m.) Speakers: Dr. Florence Sessoms, Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University Dr. Brian Arnall, Professor, Oklahoma State University ...

  10. Jepsen named 2025 “Leader in the Field” by Journal of Agromedicine

    high school classrooms, farm families and workers, agricultural industry groups, and the public seeking ... workers across all ages and experience levels. "This is an unexpected honor, and I am blessed to work ...
