
Search results

  1. Farm Safety and Health Week is very real for Ohio farmers in 2024!

    can be a risk for field fires.  During a drought, we all need to be aware of fire potential.  This is ... farm vehicles driving in the field can pose a risk to the dry field fodder. Smoldering materials may go ... Stress may be a Concern During Harvest Season This year is particularly hot! Outdoor workers are at risk ...

  2. EPN Breakfast Event- Tuesday, February 11, 2025: Tourism for Tomorrow: Sustainable Solutions for Travel, Ecosystems, and Economy in Ohio and Beyond

    recovers from climate change-driven disasters to double down on destination stewardship.  8:50 a.m.   Karen ...

  3. Moo-ving Methane: Converting Ohio’s dairy farm manure into an energy source.

    to energy supply diversification, climate change mitigation, and soil health. You'll hear from ... EPA 2 Methane emissions from livestock and climate change – Crops and Soils 3 Anthropogenic emissions ... energy. He also collaborates with Ohio based partners like Ariel Corporation to integrate high ...

  4. Jason Hartschuh

    CCA Precision Livestock Farming; Dairy Facility Design; Dairy Risk Management 1165 County Road 43, ...

  5. Graduate students present spaceflight research at ASGSR in Puerto Rico

    explore the possibility of using lunar soil, known as regolith, for growing crops. By testing how water ... moves through materials similar to lunar soil, Cassidy hopes to provide valuable insights that can help ... level, I have been able to foster collaborations with people who I never would've known ...

  6. Beef School- High Cattle Prices and Drought Recovery


  7. Beef School- High Cattle Prices and Drought Recovery


  8. Beef School- High Cattle Prices and Drought Recovery


  9. Beef School- High Cattle Prices and Drought Recovery


  10. Construction students get high-level training from Ohio CAT at the Digital Earthworks Sandbox

    machine and helped each student as they tested out the equipment.  "While we wouldn't usually be ...
