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  1. Brozovich featured on Now at Ohio State podcast

    experiments that help test how 3D printed substrates will work in microgravity.   Listen to the Now at Ohio ...

  2. Senior Spotlight: Q & A with Zane Robison

    Recently I have also started attending the Crops and Soils Club. Have you worked on any projects, research, ...

  3. Jepsen named 2025 “Leader in the Field” by Journal of Agromedicine

    high school classrooms, farm families and workers, agricultural industry groups, and the public seeking ... workers across all ages and experience levels. "This is an unexpected honor, and I am blessed to work ...


    creating bridges between engineering, biology, and agriculture, to revolutionize alternative natural rubber ...

  5. Graduate students present spaceflight research at ASGSR in Puerto Rico

    explore the possibility of using lunar soil, known as regolith, for growing crops. By testing how water ... moves through materials similar to lunar soil, Cassidy hopes to provide valuable insights that can help ... level, I have been able to foster collaborations with people who I never would've known ...

  6. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    clay, considered the worst soil in NW Ohio. He has increased corn yields on it by 50 to 75 Bu/ac. He is ...                      Lydia Dresbach, Dresbach Farms   Integrated tests to better understand soil biology ... methods of  “Managing Residue (from high-yielding corn): Mechanical, Chemical, and Biological.”  He is ...

  7. Vinton County 4-H educator honored with Excellence in 4-H Award

    a student-led peer prevention program at the high school and middle school levels, and works with the county ... to balance his work in his local communities with his involvement at the state and national level ...

  8. Construction students get high-level training from Ohio CAT at the Digital Earthworks Sandbox

    machine and helped each student as they tested out the equipment.  "While we wouldn't usually be ...

  9. Collaboration between CFAES Horticulture and Crop Science Professor Laura Lindsey, International Intern Program (TOP) and farmer Tom Hamilton Pays Dividends

    David Zelaya of Honduras learned a great deal during an internship in Ohio arranged through the CFAES   Ohio International Intern Program (TOP). The goal of the program is to assist farmers with finding young people interested in international issues and ...

  10. OSU Extension partners with Generation Rx to promote medication safety among Ohio’s older adults

    prescription medications can be a daily challenge. Thanks to a partnership between The Ohio State University ... medications, putting them at higher risk for improper use, whether from incorrect dosing, unsafe storage, or ... further. “Many older adults told us they didn’t realize the risks of keeping unused medications or sharing ...
