
Search results

  1. Phosphorus Nutrient Management for Yield and Reduced P Loss at Edge of Field

    site and rate criteria from Assessing Nutrient Loss Risk in Ohio (NRCS) between 50 to 200 PPM. Time ... step 7. STP value of 50 PPM Mehlich III or less: CROP YIELD —Reduce risk of crop yield losses with ... available. The maintenance STP range is "critical level" to 40 PPM in corn soybean rotation and 50 ...

  2. Harvesting and Reproduction Methods for Ohio Forests

    timber, pulpwood, and veneer products; wildlife habitat; a high-quality water supply; clean air; ... of high-value timber products, some of the poorer, less-desirable trees may be harvested to improve ... Most ownership objectives, however, are enhanced by the presence of healthy, vigorous, high ...

  3. Older Youth Opportunities Outstanding 4-H'er   Criteria (applicants must meet ALL THREE) Attain the level of High ... Fair Board.  Membership is open to youth between the ages of 14 and 18 years old. New members must be ... 4-H Scholarship Application- for High School Seniors and those in college. If you have questions or ...

  4. Potassium Uptake and Ohio Crop Response

    a measure of the risk of yield loss at a given soil-test K level without fertilizer applied during the ... total K content of Ohio soils is between 12,500 ppm and 30,500 ppm (Ames & Gaither, 1913). Even ... yield. For loams and clays, this would be 170 ppm; for sandy soils, it is 130 ppm. The range of soil test ...

  5. Junior Fair Exhibitor Letters 2024

    9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. (Georgetown High School FFA area) ♦ Tag in for Meat Rabbit, August 24, 10:00 ... a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (Georgetown High School FFA area) Reference your exhibitor letter for other specific ... 24 tag-in, 9:00 a.m.- 10:00 a.m., Georgetown High School FFA room. All other Companion animal projects do not ...

  6. Food Preservation: Making and Preserving Barbecue and Hot Sauces

    found on the vinegar label but may be listed as 50 grain. When handling hot peppers, gloves may be worn ... 1½ cups chopped sweet red or green bell peppers (about three medium peppers) 2 hot peppers, cored and ... level of heat desired) cayenne pepper 1¼ cup 5% vinegar Yield: About 4 pint jars Preparation Combine ...

  7. Controlling Undesirable Trees, Shrubs, and Vines in Your Woodland

    a tree to interrupt the flow of sap between the roots and crown of the tree (Figure 1). The groove must ... 8 inches on very large-diameter trees. When a chainsaw is used to girdle, two horizontal cuts between 2–4 ... effective. Care must be taken when the herbicide is applied to minimize the amount that runs into the soil ...

  8. Soil Phosphorus and Crop Response to Phosphorus Fertilizer in Ohio

    responding to applied P can best be predicted by soil-test P levels. Recently, Culman et al. (2023) published ... 29.9% of trials, soybean in 14.2% of trials, and wheat in 36.8% trials. Critical soil test levels ranged ... Furthermore, the risk of yield loss with no P application decreased as the soil P level increased. As per the ...

  9. Understanding How Soil Test Phosphorus Impacts Water Quality

    Soil test P is one indicator of environmental P loss potential from a field. STP values above 100 ppm ... Tests as Risk Indicators for Leaching of Dissolved Phosphorus from Agricultural Soils in Ontario. Soil ... called eutrophication, results in depleted dissolved oxygen in water bodies. A soil test for P (STP) ...

  10. Developing Phosphorus and Potassium Recommendations for Field Crops

    determined using field studies to correlate soil test levels to crop yield response. Ohio data was used to ... This framework strives to build soil test levels up to and beyond a critical level, and then maintain ... these levels over time. The critical level is a key component to this framework. Soil test levels above ...
