
Search results

  1. Corn Hybrid Selection for Disease Management

    have DON toxins from both the grain and the stalk. There is no correlation between high amounts of DON ... 1 ppm and 7 averaged less than 0.5 ppm. Under high disease pressure such as inoculation, no hybrid is ... than in 2024. Of the 80 hybrids submitted for evaluation, 24 of them had DON levels greater than 5 ppm ...

  2. Federal Order Reform Passed in All 11 Federal Orders: Considerations for FMMO 33 Milk Prices

    greater than $8.00/cwt; any time the class spread is over $1.50/cwt, this change will increase Class ... increased $0.50/cwt.  These changes may impact how you use market-based tools in the future to manage risk ... between processors. While these recommendations were back-tested to determine their consequence, only time ...

  3. Dairy Margin Coverage and Dairy Risk Management for 2025

    management, the time between the amount of your milk check and risk based on Class III or Class IV prices ... to manage these risks in 2025 can help protect your operation from volatility. Dairy Margin Coverage ... manage both milk price risk and feed cost risk together. This program allows producers to protect their ...

  4. Rumen Acidosis in Dairy Cattle – A Cause for Concern?

    depressed below optimal levels. RA can be acute (observable symptoms such as off feed, lethargic) or ... fed cattle. Remember, lush pasture has high concentrations of digestible carbohydrates that can reduce ... digestion by up to 30%. By these definitions, SARA is highly prevalent in dairy cattle – up to 33% of dairy ...

  5. Beyond Google Scholar: TODAY

    Beyond Google Scholar: Getting the most out of your library databases:  Because sometimes 50 ...

  6. Dairy Dollars: Feed Prices, Nutrient Costs, and Milk Income

    costs of feedstuffs on a local level. Since November, the overall price of feedstuffs has increased in ... (176- 235) Bakery byproduct meal, $/ton 150 (124- 176) Beet sugar pulp, dried, $/ton 191 (175- 208) ... in Table 2 is estimated using the Cow-Jones Index. The prediction formula uses a 1500 lb cow, ...

  7. Outstanding Student Information

    your certificate * Hometown news outlets * CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether you are a human ...

  8. Providing Economic Expertise

    experts to explore the intersection between soil health, food, and healthy communities. Most recently, she ... Economics, continues to represent the department on a national level, providing economic expertise on key ... evidence. It also helps bridge the gap between academia and practice and provides an opportunity to educate ...

  9. Hidden Defenses: How Cows Fight Disease

    annual losses. As a producer, you do everything in your power to mitigate disease risks in your ... a set of highly organized and calculated survival mechanisms that have been evolutionarily favored for ... overall metabolism by 30-50%, creating more stress on the cow if this response is prolonged. Depression ...

  10. Property Owners and Unidentified Drones

    imprisonment, depending upon the risk of harm resulting from the endangerment. 2. Shooting a drone can create ... safety risks and potential civil liability.  The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) and other aviation ... intentionally harms a drone not only creates this safety risk but also opens up the possibility of being liable ...
