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Relay Intercropping Soybean Into Winter Wheat
interception and therefore produce low yields. Soil phosphorous and potassium levels should be greater than 30 ... In a relay intercropping system, soybean is planted into winter wheat between Feekes* 10.1–10.5 ... 8 inches apart) were planted between the 22-inch gap. Overall, within a relay-intercrop system, soybean ...
Potassium Uptake and Ohio Crop Response
a measure of the risk of yield loss at a given soil-test K level without fertilizer applied during the ... total K content of Ohio soils is between 12,500 ppm and 30,500 ppm (Ames & Gaither, 1913). Even ... yield. For loams and clays, this would be 170 ppm; for sandy soils, it is 130 ppm. The range of soil test ...
Tri-State High Tunnel School
Q&As (all locations) Soil and Water Management 10:15 a.m. Water Management in High Tunnel Tomato ... Sustainable Soil Management in High Tunnels – Dr. Rafiq Islam, Program Director, Soil, Water and Bioenergy ... Pest Management II 1:15 p.m. Soil Steaming for Weed and Pest Management in High Tunnels, Chris ...
Growing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio
width of the available equipment. Fertilization Growers or gardeners should do a soil test to determine ... cultivating gooseberries and currants as a new fruit crop is growing due to their high vitamin and antioxidant ... gooseberries have no restrictions in Ohio. Given the low potential threat level of WPBR in Ohio, a future ban ...
Giving New Life to Tired Pastures
grass-legume-mix pastures, soils over 30 ppm Mehlich-3 P and 150 ppm Mehlich-3 K do not require additional ... in the renovation process: When was the last soil test collected? Are the recommendations current for ... first step after receiving soil test results. Lime can interfere with the availability of nutrients, ...
Determining the Grazing Intensity and Move Frequency for Your Rotational Grazing System
excellent tool but is highly specific to the conditions and goal of each operation. This variability in ... conversation. Rotational grazing can be subdivided into a high-intensity, low-frequency grazing system (HILF), ... and a low-intensity, high-frequency (LIHF) grazing system. Both grazing systems have the ability to ...
Brenda Medina Privatt
their interactions with turfgrass, water, and soil. Additionally, OSU is highly regarded in the ...
Turf Students Place 5th in the GCSAA Turf Bowl!
take golf course maintenance to the next level including, USGA's Moisture Meter, Toro's ... expect and didn't have any expectations going into it. After taking the test last year and getting ...
Raising Meat Chickens
approximately 6 pounds, and the carcass will dress between 2.5 and 3.5 pounds. Planning Your Enterprise Budget ... Budgeting is the building block for any successful business. It allows you to evaluate options, gauge risks ... Approximately $25 for a 50-pound bag of feed. Each bag of pine shavings costs approximately $5. Feeders/Waterers ...
Storing, Using, and Marketing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio
cultivating gooseberries and currants as a new fruit crop is growing due to their high vitamin and antioxidant ... gooseberries have no restrictions in Ohio. Given the low potential threat level of WPBR in Ohio, a future ban ... leading countries for the production of currants. In 2022, the total production of currants was 509.50 ...