
Search results

  1. Fostering Soil Health with Regenerative Agriculture wins first place

    soil amendments and micronutrients aiming to mitigate high Cd pollution in cacao plantations. Valeria ... awarded first place winner for, “Fostering Soil Health with Regenerative Agriculture in Ohio: Legacy of ... Crop Rotation and No Tillage Practices Spanning Six Decades” at the Soil Science Society of America ...

  2. SENR Announcements, December 5

    2025 Soil Health Virtual Event Series-  Comparisons of soil health tests and what they are telling us? ... Editor's Choice. Congratulations to faculty member Rattan Lal, who has been named to the 2024 'Highly ... assessing the biogeochemistry of lead and other elements in soil," US Geological Survey. ...

  3. SENR Announcements, November 21

    20: 2025 Soil Health Virtual Event Series "Comparisons of soil health tests and what they are ... awarded first place winner for, “Fostering Soil Health with Regenerative Agriculture in Ohio: Legacy of ... Crop Rotation and No Tillage Practices Spanning Six Decades” at the Soil Science Society of America ...

  4. Harvesting and Reproduction Methods for Ohio Forests

    timber, pulpwood, and veneer products; wildlife habitat; a high-quality water supply; clean air; ... of high-value timber products, some of the poorer, less-desirable trees may be harvested to improve ... Most ownership objectives, however, are enhanced by the presence of healthy, vigorous, high ...

  5. Ohio Sea Grant releases 2024 summary of ODHE Harmful Algal Bloom Research Initiative

    fertilizer source, returning sediment with optimal nutrient levels back to the land to restore soil loss by ... research on the beneficial use of Lake Erie dredge sediment as an agricultural soil amendment, evaluating ... its effects on soil health, nutrient retention and exports to waterways, crop yields, and its economic ...

  6. Phosphorus Nutrient Management for Yield and Reduced P Loss at Edge of Field

    site and rate criteria from Assessing Nutrient Loss Risk in Ohio (NRCS) between 50 to 200 PPM. Time ... step 7. STP value of 50 PPM Mehlich III or less: CROP YIELD —Reduce risk of crop yield losses with ... available. The maintenance STP range is "critical level" to 40 PPM in corn soybean rotation and 50 ...

  7. Older Youth Opportunities Outstanding 4-H'er   Criteria (applicants must meet ALL THREE) Attain the level of High ... Fair Board.  Membership is open to youth between the ages of 14 and 18 years old. New members must be ... 4-H Scholarship Application- for High School Seniors and those in college. If you have questions or ...

  8. Graduate Exit Seminar- Lillian Daw Labus

    algal blooms in the country. The mesocosm trial included 4 different treatments (high, medium, and low ... increased, more particulate nitrogen and phosphorus was converted to dissolved forms. The medium and high ...

  9. Explore Soil Health Research and Outreach at The Ohio State University

    ecosystems. His research program connects the intimate linkages between soil macro- and micro-nutrients, trace ... published a consensus document "Exploring Linkages between Soil Health and Human Health." School ... of the National Academies that reviewed the state of knowledge on linkages between soil health and ...

  10. Bridge building and inspiration abounds at conference

    building of bridges between pedagogy, pursuits, and practice.  SENR Representation at NAAEE Research ... Bridging between environmental education work and the Learning Ecologies students’ own interests, they were ... research. Ortbahn, whose dissertation work explores the bridge between environmental education and positive ...
