
Search results

  1. Carol Smathers

    program coordinator, Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) project based in Ohio 4-H; high school ...

  2. Carol Smathers

    program coordinator, Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) project based in Ohio 4-H; high school ...

  3. Jason Hartschuh

    livestock facility ventilation, dairy calf and heifer care, and bridging connections between livestock ... nutritionists and agronomists to help produce high-quality, low-cost feeds Academic Connections College of Food, ...

  4. New Hire Announcement – Welcome, Dr. Emma Grace Matcham

    University of Wisconsin- her Dissertation focused on " A Big Data Approach to Evaluating Soil Test ... established a highly reputable career as a faculty member in her current role, establishing extension ... programs, securing grant funding, graduating students, and publishing scientific papers. She is also highly ...

  5. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Than Hartsock

    Agronomy   and was highly engaged with the Agronomy Club, today known as  Crops & Soils Club, while ... Agronomy, Soils, and Environmental Sciences (SASES) meeting. Thankfully, Than had time to share a bit about ... soybean, and wheat farm in south central Ohio. Most years my science fair projects involved soils and ...

  6. Steve Ruhl Award Nominations – Due Oct. 27

    now being accepted. This award honors the vital connection between county agents and farm families, ...

  7. Asmita Murumkar

    Marathwada Krishi (Agricultural) Vidyapeeth (University), Parbhani, India; Master’s in technology, Soil and ... Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India Specialization/Focus Area Carbon research/markets, soil carbon, soil ...

  8. Tractor and Machinery Safety In-Service – Nov. 14

    learning opportunity is open to Extension professionals, FFA advisors, high school agriculture teachers, ...

  9. Greg Labarge

    and Natural Resources Extension educator; county Extension director Specialization/Focus Area Soils ... , and soil fertility, insect/disease management, corn, soybean, and wheat production, precision ...

  10. USDA to Host SLF Research and Technology Development Meeting – Oct. 16-17

    current SLF research, review current areas of research and define high-risk, high-return projects, and ...
