
Search results

  1. Footbath Practices for Lameness Prevention

    5% due to risk of chemical burn. Formalin is not as effective at temperatures below 50° F, and open ... angle. These high walls ensure cattle are getting their feet in the treatment. One side should be ... Footbaths are effective for approximately 150 to 350 cow passes. Barns with automated manure removal and ...

  2. Fall Forage Management

    K 2 O. The recommended soil test ranges for phosphorus and potassium are 30 to 50 ppm and 120 to 170 ppm ... a high level of precision between sampling years so that you can accurately track your progress. Whether ... growth in the spring. We have to begin any soil discussion with a reminder to soil test. As you implement ...

  3. FCS Professional Development Days-Healthy Finances

    education programs at various levels; these general updates are designed to apply to all staff. The goal is ...

  4. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparisons of Feedstuffs Prices

    corn silage is $4.14/bu or $50.68/ton. This price is lower than the 2023 price, which was $56.40/ton ... Cow-Jones Index. The prediction formula uses a 1500 lb cow, producing milk with 3.9% fat and 3.2% protein. ...

  5. Ohio Agronomy Guide, 16th Edition

    manual are information on Ohio's climate and soil, soil and water management, soil fertility, and ... soil fertility recommendations, double crop sunflower management, wheat and soybean double crop ...

  6. Ohio Agronomy Guide, 16th Edition (PDF)

    programs. Described in this manual is information on Ohio's climate and soil, soil and water ... management, soil fertility, and corn, small grain, and forage crop production and management. Also, seed ... 30-year period, revised soil fertility recommendations, double crop sunflower management, wheat and ...

  7. B-vitamins Basics in Dairy Cattle Nutrition – Part I

    very potent. For a cow eating 55 lb/day of dry matter (DM), she will be supplied between 1.3 and 6.6 ... pyridoxine needs, 4% of our folates, and 50% of our cobalamin needs (Graulet and Girard, 2017). Clearly, ...

  8. Ohio 4-H Conference

    the opportunity to receive training in more than 125 different topics such as career exploration, risk ...

  9. 2025 NACAA Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement conference

    at the local and county level to meet the needs of citizens and constituents. The conference location ...

  10. 4-H Spark Expo

    career readiness program, Ohio 4 H Pathways to the Future. a collaboration between Ohio 4-H and the ...
