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  1. Demystifying Research: Introduction to Scholarly Publishing for Humanities Researchers (Virtual Event)

    researchers navigating the scholarly publishing process. Through a series of real-life scenarios, attendees ...

  2. Stepping On

    medication, and footwear affect your risk of falling Strength and balance exercises you can adapt to your ... individual level To get back on your feet the right way if you do fall ...

  3. A Matter of Balance

    award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels. This program emphasizes practical ... changes to reduce fall risks at home and practice exercises to increase strength and balance. Are you ...

  4. Demystifying Research: Archives and Research Methods (in person)

    activities being discussed. Please note that this event will take place in Thompson Library, room 150 ...

  5. Long Cane Raspberry

    Expanding raspberry production options for acreage expansion, long-term sustainability, risk ... Raspberry for Fruit Production in High Tunnels Growing Long Cane Raspberry for Fruit Production in ... higher yields, bigger and better tasting berries, less dependance on good soil drainage and favorable ...

  6. Discover Research Tools and Resources: Sage Campus (Virtual Event)

    Campus learning platform can support students and researchers at every level of academic study and ... the platform Search and browse for content by category, course length, and course level Enroll in ...

  7. Federal Order Addresses Livestock Influenza

    easily transmissible and leads to high levels of mortality in the infected flocks.  Similar to the flu ... concerning Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in dairy cattle.  As background, HPAI is an influenza ... recover with standard supportive care. USDA has standard 5 level monitoring, eradication procedure This ...

  8. The Waddle Works: Staying On Your Feet When Ice and Snow Are Issues

    in this weather, older adults often have increased worries regarding their fall risk whether on ice, ... fear often limit their activities, which can result in severe physical weakness, making the risk of ... changes to reduce fall risks at home and practice exercises to increase strength and balance.            ...

  9. Winter and Backyard Birds: Keep Poultry Safe During Cold Temps

    hot.  Newly hatched chickens require temperatures between 90 and 95 degrees during their first week and ... temperature for older birds is between 65 and 75 degrees, these older birds can tolerate subzero temperatures ...

  10. Upcoming Pesticide-Fertilizer Recertification Classes; Pressure Canner Testing

    you must schedule a test through the Ohio Department of Agriculture. You must call ahead to the Wayne ... $50. Remember, you also need to fill out the license renewal form that was sent to you by ODA, AND you ... consumer science staff with also be performing canner testing. Pressure canner gauges should be tested for ...
