
Search results

  1. Tri-State High Tunnel School

    Q&As (all locations) Soil and Water Management 10:15 a.m.  Water Management in High Tunnel Tomato ...  Sustainable Soil Management in High Tunnels – Dr. Rafiq Islam, Program Director, Soil, Water and Bioenergy ... Pest Management II 1:15 p.m.  Soil Steaming for Weed and Pest Management in High Tunnels, Chris ...

  2. Brenda Medina Privatt

    their interactions with turfgrass, water, and soil. Additionally, OSU is highly regarded in the ...

  3. Turf Students Place 5th in the GCSAA Turf Bowl!

    take golf course maintenance to the next level including, USGA's Moisture Meter, Toro's ... expect and didn't have any expectations going into it. After taking the test last year and getting ...

  4. We are Beyond Ready for Ohio 4-H Week!

    support state-level programming efforts or give directly to your county fund to support youth locally. ...

  5. Thriving in Your First Semester of Grad School: Essential Tips for Success

    your peers or with your advisor. Get Help from Friends You may already have tons of friends from high ... levels. You can do it! University and department handbooks are helpful resources- during the first weeks ...

  6. Providing Economic Expertise

    experts to explore the intersection between soil health, food, and healthy communities. Most recently, she ... Economics, continues to represent the department on a national level, providing economic expertise on key ... evidence. It also helps bridge the gap between academia and practice and provides an opportunity to educate ...

  7. Long Cane Raspberry

    Expanding raspberry production options for acreage expansion, long-term sustainability, risk ... Raspberry for Fruit Production in High Tunnels Growing Long Cane Raspberry for Fruit Production in ... higher yields, bigger and better tasting berries, less dependance on good soil drainage and favorable ...

  8. Cloverbuds explore the Cincinnati Zoo

    representatives from Gallia Soil and Water and Zaleski State Forest spoke to the Cloverbuds about the importance ... of conservation and being good environmental stewards. Gallia Soil and Water brought their education ... gaining a greater understanding of differences and similarities between people and animals. At the manatee ...

  9. Vinton County 4-H educator honored with Excellence in 4-H Award

    Retreat each year, coordinates a student-led peer prevention program at the high school and middle school ... levels, and works with the county workforce development initiative to organize and facilitate a 9-week ... with his involvement at the state and national level,” said a fellow 4-H professional. “Travis is ...

  10. PhD Student Malik earns Anthony Grano Scholarship Award from Agricultural & Applied Economics Organization

    incentivizing soil carbon sequestration practices to mitigate climate change while maintaining agricultural ...
