
Search results

  1. Ohio Department of Agriculture Issues Two Research Requests for Proposals: Technology and Environmental Indicators for Phosphorus Loss

    sites with higher-than-average risk of P loss due to high STP. To support future implementation efforts, ... designs 2. Methods to Identify High Phosphorus Loss Site Research Grant: Identifying parameters indicative ... of high phosphorus losses on agricultural sites, and recommending processes to identify ...

  2. New Hire Announcement – Welcome, Dr. Emma Grace Matcham

    University of Wisconsin- her Dissertation focused on " A Big Data Approach to Evaluating Soil Test ... established a highly reputable career as a faculty member in her current role, establishing extension ... programs, securing grant funding, graduating students, and publishing scientific papers. She is also highly ...

  3. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Than Hartsock

    Agronomy   and was highly engaged with the Agronomy Club, today known as  Crops & Soils Club, while ... Agronomy, Soils, and Environmental Sciences (SASES) meeting. Thankfully, Than had time to share a bit about ... soybean, and wheat farm in south central Ohio. Most years my science fair projects involved soils and ...

  4. Steve Ruhl Award Nominations – Due Oct. 27

    now being accepted. This award honors the vital connection between county agents and farm families, ...

  5. Tractor and Machinery Safety In-Service – Nov. 14

    learning opportunity is open to Extension professionals, FFA advisors, high school agriculture teachers, ...

  6. USDA to Host SLF Research and Technology Development Meeting – Oct. 16-17

    current SLF research, review current areas of research and define high-risk, high-return projects, and ...

  7. Minding the Brand: Upcoming Adobe Express Trainings

    and communications specialist, at ...

  8. Samaneh Tajik

    Samaneh Tajik Post Doctoral Scholar Williams Hall PhD Soil Science (2019) As ... publication. My primary research focus is investigating the complex interactions between microbial communities ...

  9. Engaged Scholarship Symposium – Nov. 1

    Join the Office of Outreach and Engagement for the Engaged Scholarship Symposium on Nov. 1. This event will highlight faculty, staff, graduate students, and community partners who are co-creating scholarship. ...

  10. Fraud Training Required by Oct. 29

    Per the Auditor of State’s guidance, all current Ohio State employees — including all university and medical center faculty, staff (regular, term, temporary, and intermittent), graduate associates, and student employees — must complete a fraud training by ...
