
Search results

  1. Corn Hybrid Selection for Disease Management

    have DON toxins from both the grain and the stalk. There is no correlation between high amounts of DON ... 1 ppm and 7 averaged less than 0.5 ppm. Under high disease pressure such as inoculation, no hybrid is ... than in 2024. Of the 80 hybrids submitted for evaluation, 24 of them had DON levels greater than 5 ppm ...

  2. OSU Corn Deoxynivalenol, DON, (Vomitoxin) Resistance Screening Program-2024

    temperatures between 59°F and 86°F.  Table 1 below summarizes DON contamination (in ppm) by hybrid and ... low, with 54 plots having contamination between the limit of detection (considered equivalent to 0 ppm ... hybrid pollination window, despite using three different environments. All locations had low levels of ...

  3. Teff for Forage Production

    results. Fertilizing Test the soil and then apply phosphate and potash per recommendations. The adequate ... grasses, high nitrate levels are possible after excessive nitrogen fertilization and drought conditions. ... among horse owners. Teff typically contains lower levels of nonstructural carbohydrates (NSC). In ...

  4. Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens

    Soil tests provide more helpful information on soils than any other resource. It is an inexpensive ... gardens and fruit crops. Soil test results pinpoint plant nutrient needs and soil test lab recommendations ... for making plant selection decisions based on “the right plant in the right place” and a soil test can ...

  5. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference March 11-12

    with no-till and cover crops. Part of his farmland is Paulding clay, considered the worst soil in ... Northwest Ohio. He has increased corn yields on it by 50 to 75 bushels per acre. He is sponsored by Pioneer. ... “Managing Residue (from high-yielding corn): Mechanical, Chemical, and Biological.” He is sponsored by ...

  6. Quarterly Viewpoint

    expected to attend COP30 in Belém, Brazil is 50k which will include up to 150 Heads of State (over ¾ of 193 ... member states of the United Nations). With participants of 50 to 75k including 100 to 150 Heads of State, ... organizations including security for Heads of State and high-level government officials. It is needless to state ...

  7. C-FARM: Chiavegato Team Update in Ohio

    perennial forage systems incorporating moderate to high levels of regenerative management practices, such as ... different forage management practices for grazing and hay affect soil carbon stocks and soil health in Ohio. ... across 32 farms in 22 counties across the state. The participating farms represent a wide range of soil ...

  8. Relay Intercropping Soybean Into Winter Wheat

    interception and therefore produce low yields. Soil phosphorous and potassium levels should be greater than 30 ... In a relay intercropping system, soybean is planted into winter wheat between Feekes* 10.1–10.5 ... 8 inches apart) were planted between the 22-inch gap. Overall, within a relay-intercrop system, soybean ...

  9. P & K Fertility Decision with Tight Margins

    were above 20 ppm P (Rakkar and LaBarge, 2024). When P is not applied, how much a soil test P level ... K fertilizer in 95-98% of trials when soil test K was above 130 ppm, indicating a low risk of yield penalty. ... yield increases were about 4%. It is when soil K levels were below 100 ppm that about 40-50% of trials ...

  10. Managing Frost Heave in Alfalfa

    colder than usual winter in Ohio this year could increase frost heave risk. This article covers the ... Frost heave, also called heaving, is a lifting of the upper layers of soil and plants due to the ... roads. Frost heave can happen on soils regardless of whether they have crop or bare dirt, but it is ...
